Badgers by spycam

It’s been a few weeks since my last post; a rather frantic rush to finish work before I left for India, with the aim of getting some better tiger photos. I did make the promise to cyberspace to let he/she/it know how I got on with the new motion camera. The first one proved to be a dud and had to be sent back; after much grinding of teeth and checking that I hadn’t misread the manual. I hadn’t- this one was atypical and a model of clarity but I had a faulty unit. Back it went and it was another week before I could get it up and running. There are two settings for still photography – timed exposures and motion detection. I tried the former set rather ambitiously at one minute intervals as well as setting the motion detection. I now had 800 near identical shots of a badger sett but nothing animated. I wasn’t much better myself after scrolling through them so managed to set it for the following night with motion detection only. Success – three badgers and a very startled looking fox. I had one more try with again three badgers before I left for India. The aim is to get an idea of how many are occupying the sett and figure out a way to get some proper photos, by which I mean ones that I can blow up and decorate the walls of my storage unit (he says only a trifle ruefully!).

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